JP Morgan Bank Integration
by d365.Global Pty Ltd
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Used to export PAIN files using SFTP, Encrypt files, Bank Account Reconciliation
J P Morgan Bank integration with azure storage for exporting payment files or import bank statement for bank account reconciliations.
Integrated with azure storage, the extension can be used to export PAIN files, i.e. export bank payment files to azure SFTP, encrypt the file as per bank format, import bank statement for bank account reconciliation on a daily basis.
This solution involves the secure exchange of payment files from Business Central to JP Morgan via Azure containers and encrypted using PGP. Additionally, statement CAMT files are received from JP Morgan, decrypted, and imported into the relevant bank accounts in Business Central instance.
Business Central Overview
Payment Journal (Pain)
- Business Central Payment Journal generates pain.001 format files under Business Central instance.
- Payment file is based on vendor bank account selection in payment journal.
- Mandatory checks are done before generating, like date must be always today, bank account no., IBAN no., city, country should be present.
- System checks if the file has already been exported if it is system will alert user if they want to again export the file.
- After successful export user can preview post the document in business central or post the document for accounting purpose.
- Duplicate checking is based on:
- #Total
- No of Transactions
Statement (CAMT) (JP Morgan to Client (BC)):
- Bank reconciliation.
- You can import the CAMT or Bank statement file into bank reconciliations via manually uploading the statement or importing it directly from container where bank has uploaded the statement.
- Bank reconciliation can be done daily as per the statement received from bank or can be done monthly, there is flexibility based on statement received from bank.
- After importing the statement business central can auto match the transactions based on description, amount. User can also manually match the statement line with bank ledger into system.
- Once the balance has matched with statement, user needs to post the bank reconciliation.
At a glance
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